Mothers Should Be Allowed In Prison Essay

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Some women give birth before their sentence in prison is over. Should they be allowed to keep their baby with them or not? Well, some people argue that if a woman gives birth behind bars, she should be able to keep him or her with her until she is permitted to leave. Although, some people think otherwise. Imagine somebody having to give away their child right after giving birth. Some women that give birth when their sentence wasn’t finished fought to keep and stay with their baby like a woman named Whiteford. There could be many other choices and steps to take than to just throw a newborn out into the open without his or her mother. Over thousands of mothers give birth in prison each year. Women who are put into prison should be allowed to …show more content…

Studies show that breastfeeding causes reduction in many different diseases like gastrointestinal infections and many more. Diseases like SIDS, that cannot be cured that easily, can be discarded because of the health of the baby when he or she are breastfed. Also, many but not all people who have been breastfed are free of health concerns. "Breastfeeding and maternal bonding have health benefits for children and have been shown to improve their physical, and emotional development, stated on global news. Also, babies who are breastfed showed more and closer bondings to their mothers than the babies who were not. Breast milk contains nutrients, and vitamins that benefit infants, not only in the first six months, but also later in life. This also helps the mother recover from labor. Moreover, another disease doesn't affect the baby but affects the mother. This is called postpartum depression. It is a state that mothers go through after giving birth. Some symptoms are that you don’t feel close to your baby, but instead you feel disconnected. You feel sad and hopeless, and that you can not sleep or concentrate. The mother should not go through this. Instead the mother should be able to choose whether or not she keeps her baby with her in prison. The choice should be a privilege and not a

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