Motherhood In The Novel Herland

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In the utopian novel “Herland” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, three men go on an exploration

and hear about a society where it only citizen were females, no male had ever been heard to exist

and does who have gotten close to this society have disappeared. Vandyck Jennings, who mention

himself as the narrator continues telling the story of their experience in Herland and what they

have gone through. This utopian where its only citizen are women seem perfect, a place where it

disconnected from the real world from reality and it cruelty. A place where women are honored

intelligent and appreciated for being a mother and for the hard labor they do for their community,

all women seem to be treated equally among the community. To a woman of course, this may seem

like a
Herland sound like the prefect society women are treated equal, their no violence or injustice

in the community, the women are like a big family. Motherhood in this society is very important

and honorable to the society, in the novel, it mentions that a woman can procreate their own

children specifically, a girl without the need of a man. The author may have made a connection to

real life society, where women who are single mother take care of their children without needing

a man by their side. From my perspective as a female this may seem like the perfect society, but

in reality, it’s not because they’re no balance, no reality, it surreal to have a society that the only

sex around is female. To have a balance in society we need men, like the men need the women.

Inequality will exist, injustices behavior and privileges of the male sex will also exist, but for

society to have a balance in both sexes being integrated into a society it satisfies human nature


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