Most Beautiful Document Analysis

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On this week 20 females of all districts( Goodman, Grenada, and Rigeland)Holmes Community College participated in the Parade Of Beauties. While many were determined to own the Title of being "Most Beautiful", many believed the judges already had in mind who they wanted for being Most Beautiful! Though many girls have gotten backlash for wanting to compete in pageants, they yet still admire doing it. I myself tested this week the sterotypes that pageant girls have. So I enlisted as a contestant to compete for the Most Beautiful title. Watching many girls for the mandatory practice that was set for the Parade Of Beauties I noticed some of the girls were nice and humbled, while some looked at you as competition and weren't interested in getting exactly who …show more content…

Finally, the night arrived and all smiles had to our best smiles as we were preparing for an intense night. Being that females enjoy talking to other females I thought what better place to go than the salon to hear what was on the other contestants minds. After sitting in the shop for two hours many females were excited;while others were anxious to get the event over! They were highly apprehensive of their interviews which was a huge factor in wining "Most Beautiful". I myself could feel the intensity and the importance of the interview, therefore I had to really strive to answer all of the questions to the best of my ability. Walking over to where the interview was taking place many girls were leaving out with smiles, while many believed they could have done better. Being that the interview was over and done with the night that we all were waiting for had arrived! Seeing many girls, many nationalities, and many sizes made many wonder who would leave with the "Most Beautiful Title". The girls did their best walk and their best smile , but yet some still felt that they weren't the it girl that the judges were looking

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