Mormonism Essay

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The Rise and Impact of Mormonism in the Nineteenth Century
Throughout American history, many new religions and ideologies have come about due to unique, innovative thinking. During the early nineteenth century, an important reformative movement called the Second Great Awakening allowed for the adoption of some of these unfamiliar religions. Numerous preachers decided to revive or “awake” the religious spirit in followers of a denomination, and provided for the evolution of theological beliefs. They preached about new ideas during this time period, such as temperance, women's rights and even abolition. Mormonism, also known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, is an example of a religion created at during this time period. The rise of Mormonism was caused by its appealing belief system and influencing preachers, however, the religion was unsuccessful at reforming religion in the United States because of its inability to assimilate into American society and racism.
Before one can even begin to understand the cause of an increased following of Mormonism in the United States and whether the religion was successful or unsuccessful, one must understand the ideas on which the religion is based. There are thirteen articles of Mormonism. First, all Mormons put their trust in God, His son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. Second, men and women will be punished for their sins. Third, mankind will be saved if it is obedient to the law and ordinances of the Gospel. Fourth, the most important tenets of Mormonism are faith in Jesus, repentance for sins, baptism and laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. Fifth, only when God calls on a man can he preach the Gospel and administer the ordinances. Sixth, the organization...

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...nism was clearly unsuccessful in their reform of American religion due to their racism and incapability to assimilate into American culture.
In conclusion, during the late 19th century, Mormonism became popular to do its new teachings and preachers and was unsuccessful at reforming religion because of its failure to assimilate into society and racism. Mormonism has become a controversial topic in the United States and other regions due to its growth and will continue to improve its reputation with the resolution of many questionable practices like polygamy and racism. The legacy of the many important preachers like Joseph Smith and Brigham Young will live on as long as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints exists. Overall, the allowance for freedom of religion in the United States allowed for the Second Great Awakening and the evolution of many religions.

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