Morgan Spurlock's Supersize Me

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Documentary filmmaker and hero, Morgan Spurlock, created ‘Supersize Me’ to accentuates the dangers of fast food and the consequences upon the human health. Spurlock was inspired by a failed lawsuit of two girls who, attempted to sue McDonalds for their health issues; obesity, hypertension and diabetes. The suit failed as the judge ruled that was no primary evidence their sufficient health issues were caused by eating from McDonalds. Spurlock was inspired to take a stand on behalf of the girls and their families. He conducted an experiment (to eat nothing but McDonalds for a maximum of 30 days) to investigate the impact of fast food on his health. He believed if he could prove it was the cause of his ill health then the girls would have been …show more content…

Around 1 in 4 Americans are physically, moreover also physiologically unwell due to junk food. However, Multi National Business Mc Donald’s was the highlight Antagonist of the film. Because of this particular company and other fast food chains “America currently has the fattest people in the world. Congratulations!” Stated Spurlock in a sarcastic tone, this sets the mood by getting the audience to feel guilty for what they have done to their own country. The filmmaker made sure to show a disgust side of the antagonist, giving onlookers a side of revulsion of McDonalds, making the audience think the company’s behaviour is absurd. This provided nausea for the audience as the original footage was …show more content…

Our food is healthy, it's nutritious. So I said, well, if it's that good for me, shouldn't I be able to eat it for 30 days straight with no side-effects? To live the all-American diet of over-eating and under-exercising, and be fine?" (The Guardian 2004). The feature provided the audience with shock and disgust. The images used within the documentary revealed were abominable, opening the film with children d who seem young as 7-9, singing about fast food chains such as “Pizza Hut”, “KFC” and also “McDonalds”, watching the children’s facial expressions, it seemed quite normal for the children. This is quite upsetting, as a society we want children to be healthy and make good choices. During the film, shown on the second day, showing an unpleasant sight, he vomits graphically out of his car window, a tilt shot is taken to highlight that Spurlock upchucked, the filmmaker showed the vomit to accentuate the feelings of disgust. In the same interview, he added the footage for the kids (The Guardian 2004), to give those watching, a sense of disgust as seeing something horrendous as that can make one lose their appetite and may not eat fast food again or for a period of

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