Morals vs. Instinct in "The Lord of the Flies" by William Golding

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The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, is an allegory that connects the boys’ behavior in the novel to the basic behavior of human nature. In the novel, the boys fear a wild beast that has the potential to kill them off. However, Simon, a quiet boy, finds that the beast is not an animal that everyone should fear, but is a part of each boy himself. As Simon wanders back to a beautiful meadow that he had traveled to before, he finds that it has changed. Instead of the peaceful meadow that Simon had discovered previously, the bloody head of a sow impaled by Jack and his follows taints the meadow. They had done this as an offering to the beast, hoping that the beast would be satisfied with the sow’s head and would give up hunting for the boys. After seeing this hideous sight, Simon quickly shuts his eyes in disgust. However, Simon can still feel the head’s horrid presence and eventually opens his eyes, getting a clear view of the head covered in flies, which he calls the Lord of the Flies. The head starts to speak to Simon, saying to hurry along back to the other children and to e...

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