Morals In The Little Mermaid And Beauty And The Beast

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Fairy tales teach children good manners and morals to keep. In Beauty and the Beast, the moral of no matter what you're made of is instilled in children because of how Chip the teacup saves Maurice and Bella in the modern day version. In The Little Mermaid, Ariel is an example of what happens to children when they disobey their parents. Ariel was unable to live her full lifespan of 300 years. She disobeyed her elders and went to Ursula to become human to be with a human who did not even know the significance of her to his life. And in my fairytale, Cinderella(Grimm Brother’s version), the moral that kids can take from Cinderella is that God will bring good to the good and bad to the bad eventually. These lesson-filled stories have been altered throughout the course of their existence but we still have the original versions to check back too. And that is how to know that they have passed the tests of time. …show more content…

According to the Kirkus Review, the “first(Cinderella story) was published in German in 2011 as Aschenputtel, this is a gentle(ish) version of the oft-told tale, with illustrations evocative of the 18th century”. Also, “The pictures, even to the ship-in-full-sail hairdo on one stepsister, are based on 18th-century patterns and styles...”. Aschenputtel put German writers on the map and was liked among Germanic peoples for the morals and lessons that could be found in the

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