Morality Of Love Essay

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Love, Lust and the Effects of Morality
Knowing the difference between right and wrong can affect love drastically. Lies no matter how big or small can change a person whole outlook on things. When dealing with matters of the heart this is especially true. Knowing the outcome that can play in ones actions has a big part known as morality. They say there’s a thin line between love and hate, well there’s also a thin line between love and lust. Some people can get that confuse when it has to do with being in love and wanting someone touch. The aspects of morality and how it can draw a thin line between love and lies, is the biggest concern and problem people have when it comes with dealing with relationships.
In order to understand these relationships we first have to ask well “what is love?” (David Velleman) Is it blinding for someone to catch at first site, or is it a feeling so deep it can make you feel good at times, but sometimes love can have you feeling worst within a blink of an eye. No matter how big love is it’s the way you approach it and the many shape and forms it comes in. sometime love is so strong it can make the biggest person feel so weak in a matter of seconds. Maybe love is so small it can have others fooled by the capacity of that one feeling in a matter of minutes. But sometimes at the end of it all you realize that what you thought was love can sometimes get confuse with a temporary feeling known as lust.
Lust can be as powerful as an earthquake but as quick as a hiccup. Lust can be a confusing hormone because sometimes you don’t have a clue why you are feeling such a sensation. ”Mathilda love for the priest has kept her from consummating her marri...

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...this is one of the many faces of love. Giving off the wrong impression when it comes to a relationship can be considering a negative moral choice that can have many long reaching consequences in the future. Not only with yourself but also with your partner, true feeling in a relationship should always come first in the confusion that can come otherwise.
Love is a precious and joyful feeling that should be handle with the up most care and etiquette. with a proper since of morality one can find happiness in their relationship and not be overcome by lust and can be able to cherish there love one for who they are instead of what they have. It can also build a much stronger relationship over all. In conclusion you should never get lust mix up with the morality of love and how these two twins can be easily mistaken by the beautiful intertwining between two people.

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