Morag In The Diviners

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Margaret Laurence’s The Diviners is about dealing with the past and accepting Morag’s future. At a young age Morag Gunn has a lack of self-acceptance, she thought that having moved to Manawaka would cause people to perceive her as an outsider and they would treat her as though she was different. Morag not accepting herself, for the person she has become makes it difficult for others to accept her and treat her as equal. After Morag leaves Manawaka to go to university she comes to the conclusion that running away from her past does not solve her problems. She is in desperate search for security and acceptance from others. Morag searches for a place to call home but realizes that before that can happen she has to deal with her …show more content…

Morag tries her hardest to deny where she comes from and in doing this she pushes away those who love her the most, Christie and Prin. Morag find out that there is another person in Manawaka that feels that they are an outsider and does not fit in with anyone. Skinner feels that the only person that he fits in with is Morag because they are both different. Skinner (Jules) and Morag both feel that they are out of place, which creates a special bond between them. “Morag quickly learns to despise Christie and what he stands for; she emulates the middle class. “The Nuisance Ground” ends with Morag on the point of leaving Manawaka, for good, as she believes that she and Jules “inhabit the same world no longer.”(134). (Grace, 171). Deep down in Morag’s heart she feels that if she continues to live her life in Manawaka, then she will never be accepted because she denies that she has a past and she will always be an outsider. She does not want to end up like Christie and Prin. She does not appreciate what they have done for her until they are both deceased. The only thing that Morag can think of doing is to leave Manawaka for good and never think of returning. Morag wants to star over by being who she wants to be not who she is meant to be. By doing this she has no self-acceptance because she is denying her true

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