Montomery Bus Boycott And Selma To Montgomery March

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Many people wonder what the civil movement is about. Civil movements have a lot of events you can not talk about. The events are Montomery Bus Boycott and Selma to Montgomery March and last is What was the 1964 Freedom Summer Project. First and foremost, the Montgomery Bus Boycott is when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white American on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama on December 1, 1955. Also the same day as December 1 1955 there was a protest against segregation on public transport. In the 1900 Alabama passed a city ordinance for the segregation passengers. The bus was segregated to divide and equal up the blacks and the white passengers. The buses use a sign that said “white people forward and colored rear.” The black people always sit at the back of the bus and never directly opposite a white person, and the white people sit in the front of the bus. On the Montgomery bus there were always the first four rows of seats reserved for white people but if you needed more seating they could move the sign back where the white people would have room to sit (“ Montgomery Bus Boycott ”) . In Addition, The freedom summer project was a nonviolent effort in the civil rights to integrate …show more content…

The march took place on March seventh 1965. Hosea Williams and John Lewis were blocked by 65 troopers and 10 or more Dallas County sheriff's deputies and 15 mounted members of the sheriff's deputized posse. On march 9th, Martin Luther King led 2500 marches across the Pettus bridge to the bloody Sunday attack and stopped. Also March 17 five days after the testimony the judge Johnson granted an order. Th day of March 21 Martin Luther King led 8000 demonstrators out of Selma under the 200 National Guard troops and marshals. On the last day march 25 Martin Luther King addressed 25,000 people from the capital and warned them that the white supremacy was near (“ Selma to Montgomery March”)

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