Montana of 300: An Unconventional Role Model

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My favorite quote from Montana of 300 is, from his song Fighting Demons, Dropping Jewels when he says “The afterlife isn't promised, only death, we can't dodge it this life we live ain't forever, so make the most while you got it.” The first time I ever heard one of Montana of 300’s songs was when I heard Holy Ghost and his music just stuck with me that is the power of his music. Sometimes a role model is admired more for the things he does without publicity than for the things he does in the public eye. This is the case with rapper Montana of 300. What characteristic is more impressive to the human race than the willingness to make sacrifices for the greater good? Montana of 300 is from Chicago, Illinois-born in 1989. When he was younger, his mom was a crackhead and his dad was a killer. He is the reason why his mom stopped using crack. Montana of 300 is my role model because he resists the temptations to do drugs, his music is really inspirational, he stays positive and is always humble. The first reason Montana of 300 is my role model is he resists temptations to do drugs and drink alcohol. When he was younger his mom did drugs and she would have mood swings because she used crack and0 he saw what it did to you when you used them. He does not want to …show more content…

In most of his interviews, he always says to continue to feed your brain. In his song Here Now he says “as long as I feeding my brain there are no limitations”. In his one interview, he says “beware you can learn from a five-year-old child. He also says that always take good advice. Here is an example of that in a interview, he said “ one time a hobo gave this guy great advice and the guy said if you know that why don’t you do that, the same guy got the same advice from a famous person ten years later he accepted the advice but just imagine how good his life would have been”.The second is because he has good

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