Montag's Loss Of Knowledge

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Knowledge can hurt more than it can help. Montag states “ He pressed at the pain in his eyes and suddenly the odor of kerosene made him vomit.” Now that Montag is faced with this he resents who he was in the the beginning being a fireman who set books on fire and loved the smell of kerosine and thought of it as a perfume. Likewise in Douglas’s “Learning to Read and Write” Douglas states “The silver trump of freedom (knowledge) had roused my soul to eternal weakness.”Douglas's knowledge of freedom has caused him to question why he wants to learn to read and write, because it's not going to make him any more free . It’s just going to put his life at more of a higher risk of dying, because once his owner finds out he can read and write he’s probably going to kill him before he finds a way to become free.
Neither Montag or douglas liked the outcome or their lives after they learned the knowledge they so long seeked in the beginning. Montag and his fire …show more content…

When the firemen arrived, the old lady who lived there was still there, and this alone is unusual because normally the police come first and take the people out so the fireman can burn the house in peace. As montag is searching for books to burn in the house, he finds one and quickly sticks it under his arm in hiding. When the fireman start to set the house on fire, the old lady sat down and refused to leave. The fireman start counting down the time before they set the house on fire. The woman sits on the middle of the front porch for all to see and says to stop counting and she reveals a small kitchen match to them, only to drop it to the floor and light her own house on fire, right there in front of

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