Monstrosity In Frankenstein Research Paper

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World Impact of the Monstrous Throughout human history, dating as far back as the dark ages, the concept of monsters has always helped humans cope with what they may have dread most in life. Mythical stories including monsters typically feature a protagonist who must overcome great hardships and defeat a terrifyingly evil force. Since the beginning of monster literature, there has always been an established feared image of them. This image has brought numerous cultures together over the centuries and helped people cope with the various evils of today’s real world. For example, witches depicted in several literary pieces like Macbeth and others alike is a well-known cultural monstrosity and serves as a representation of all the most terrible …show more content…

The nameless creature created by the scientist Victor Frankenstein is arguably the main monster within the story, yet it can be disputed that the creator is the true monstrosity of the plot. While it is evident that the creation has all of the features one would expect a monster to possess (pale skin, shriveled lips, 8 feet tall); Victor is the one who abandoned his creation and did not take responsibility for the abomination he invented. This story proves relevant in today’s world, because it teaches humans that everyone possesses the ability to create their own demons or give life to monstrous individuals (Word Press, 2016). Furthermore, Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein,” came out during a time where the scientist Galvani conducted his famous experiment, where he discovered that the muscles of dead frog legs twitched when struck by an electrical spark. During the 18th century, this experiment challenged society’s former ideas about the basis of life. As explained by Dr. Asma, a philosophy professor stated, “People were really nervous because it looked like, ‘well, that’s all there is to life — it’s not really miraculous, it’s just a material machine,’” (North, 2014). The release of “Frankenstein” helped further fuel this misconception and sparked anxiety within many people and somewhat altered how people viewed life. While things have obviously changed in present day due to improved science, this story still serves an important lesson to those battling their inner

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