Monopolies Essay

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In international trade today, foreign enterprises enter new markets and try and compete with existing domestic brands. In markets where an enterprise has a sole monopoly, this creates implications for that one business and it must modify its tactics and procedures to the situation. This essay will identify the monopoly in a market and briefly explain the main measure used to reduce monopoly. Furthermore, it examines the influence of foreign competition on monopolies in a market and how they must respond and act in such circumstances. Lastly, the measures that governments take in order to control and protect its domestic markets from foreign competition will be explained.

An enterprise that is the sole seller or provider of a good or service is called a monopoly. If not intervened by a government, a monopoly is unrestricted and can decide to set any price of its product or service that it chooses. Monopolistic enterprises can therefore determine the price and set it above average cost in order to make a substantial profit (Stigler 2008). If an enterprise make a large profit, other enterprises are bound to enter into the specific market to capture some of the high returns. This attracts other businesses to enter into the market and eventually their competition will …show more content…

The less restrictive trade policies that are in place encourage more competitive pricing behaviour in domestic markets and have a negative effect on the domestic producers profit rates (Espinosa & Espinosa 2014, p. 343). Foreign competition limits the domestic businesses ability to charge above average prices for their products. Therefore, profit rates are low in markets where foreign competition is more prominent and when the barriers to entry are low, the threat of foreign competition is higher (Espinosa & Espinosa 2014, p.

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