Mongol Empire Dbq Essay

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With Mongols owning the largest continuous land mass in history, they are going to interact with our countries. This interconnectedness let other cultures interact with each other; many people from different areas in which they took over (spreading far as modern day Korea to Poland) even moved to other regions which they liked causing mixing and assimilation. Despite the brutality of the empire, they had “… a system of pure theism and perfect toleration” (document c). Everyone who was invaded and conquered was free to practice their own religion on culture (document b); therefore, this caused the spread of mostly Islam and Buddhism. The Turkic groups that allied with the Mongols were Muslim and had specialized skills and literacy, which not many of the Mongolians possessed, so, they hired them and moved them around the empire. Many travelers converted to Islam, and Persia, an already Muslim country, their culture was …show more content…

Persian even became an official language of the empire; and even traveled as far as China. Buddhism was spread throughout China mostly through the support from the Great Khans, starting with Khubilai. He gave the lamas political power, made donations to the Buddhist temples, gave tax exemptions to the monks, and supported them in their arguments with Daoists. The Mongols had an original idea for how their empire was set up. Obedience and supporting their own kind was most important to them. The Mongol warriors always listened to their superiors and the “leaders are to personally examine the troops… and to punish those lacking any necessary equipment” (document b). The discipline was not soft either “whoever gives food or clothing without permission of his captor is to be put to

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