Mom And Daughter Disconnect

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The joys of a mother and daughter relationship, for centuries back this complicated relationship has effected the communication between Mom and daughter. Many Moms will get a clue that they are in for a wild ride in that one moment they see the insecurities of their own self deep within the eyes of their teen daughter. Regardless of whether you purposely pushed those insecurities onto your teen daughter or not, it happens. The relationship of a mother and daughter is both a beautiful and explosive one. Something about the teen daughter who doesn’t think her mother understands her when reality is that Mom completely understands her daughter. The Mom & Daughter Disconnect The disconnect that occurs between a teen daughter and her mother can be heart wrenching, it’s a time when Mom starts to walk on egg shells for fear of an explosive response. This time of raising teen daughter’s also brings on new challenges, the daughter now starts to recognize her flaws and if you hadn’t boosted that self-esteem beyond the stars before now, it’s going to be an extremely difficult ride during the teen years. The best thing to do is hold onto to your tail feathers and work towards using the below tips to effectively communicate with your teen daughter. …show more content…

It’s all too common, after all this parenting gig didn’t come with an owner’s manual. Learn to let go of all past decisions gone bad and clean the slate within your mind. Why? This helps to ensure you are not trudging up old moments with your teen daughter, thus making her shut down because she feels as if you have a grudge for moments past. Listen Respectfully to your Teen

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