Molly Pitch's Life And Admonitions

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Mary Ludwig, also known as Molly Pitcher, was born on October 13, 1754, in Trenton, New Jersey. In 1768, she moved to Carlisle, Pennsylvania. She liked men.`There she met William Hays, the local barber. They married on July 24, 1769. The Battle of Monmouth in Freehold was the battle that hays fought in on June 28, 1778, a superduper hot day. Mary was present as well, and she made a lot of trips to a nearby spring to fill pitchers of cold water for soldiers to drink and pour over their cannons to cool them down. Most of the soldiers gave her the nick name Molly Pitcher. She witnessed her husband get shot at his cannon. She right away dropped her water pitchers and maned the cannon for the rest of the Battle. Which later on the colonists

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