Molesters Vs Pedophiles

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Many people combine child molesters and pedophiles into the same group. This is incorrect. According to The Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute, Inc., “A child molester is someone who sexually touches a child. What defines a child molester is the fact that a child molester has molested a child. A child molester always has a child victim” (2013). Whereas a pedophile has not yet physically acted upon their desires and therefore do not yet have victims. Pedophiles view and compile pornography, stalk or befriend children, and achieve sexual arousal from children moreso than adults. Pedophiles do not always molest, and not all child molesters are pedophiles. Some have other reasons for molesting children. These are situational child …show more content…

He or she is morally indiscriminate, with an insecure personality and poor coping skills. He or she often feels inadequate and fights against those inadequacies by coercing, luring or forcing his victims to prove how much larger or stronger than them he or she is. The regressed child molester is traditionally a stable and employed man involved with adults, even having a wife and children. This offender may turn to abusing children at a stressful time, feeling comfort with the child. Drugs and or alcohol may play a role in the offense. This is typically only temporary and the abuser may go back to his “normal” life as if the abuse never occurred. The indiscriminate molester abuses all persons available with easy access. That sometimes includes children but is not necessarily limited to them. This molester has little to no limits and is willing to do most anything sexually. This may involve various deviant sex acts, as well as partners. This molester may involve family members or pets due to their proximity and ease of …show more content…

Authorities mainly achieve this aim by transferring sex offenders to mental institutions after their prison sentence ends. There is debate as to whether this practice is legal under our bill of rights. The argument is that they have served their sentence and have not committed any additional crimes. Additionally, they are not even considered insane. Using mental institutions to soothe our fears is like the Soviet Union’s method to use mental institutions to punish and control people. So while some laws have changed, this is one remains in

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