Modernization Theory Essay

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Two brothers Walt and Roy Disney founded Disney Brothers Cartoon studio on October 16, 1923 in Los Angeles, California. It started when Walt Disney was contracted to write the Alice comedies, which is the foundation of the film Alice in wonderland. After losing his contract Disney needed to create a new character in order to stay in the animation business, and he created Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse soon became the mascot for the Walt Disney Company as they expanded to create a variety of cartoon series such as the steamboat cartoon series, the silly symphonies and Walt Disney’s first animated film Snow White and the seven dwarfs(Smith,2004). Although he continued to flourish in the animation industry Walt Disney dreamed of creating a place where …show more content…

Through this perspective a capitalist society as viewed as modern due to their rapid technological and economic development. Traditional Societies are viewed as underdeveloped due to their inability to keep up with the growing technological advances. The latter countries need to adopt Western technologies, Institutions, and belief systems to improve their economic conditions. There are four main components to modernization theory. The first is economic growth benefits all members of the society. An example of this can be seen through the industrial revolution that took place in America in 19th century. Through the industrial revolution thousands of jobs were created and products could be manufactured at a record time. It also increases the standard of living for the average American by raising wages. Lastly it gave women the opportunity to work outside of matriarch fields such as nursing and teaching. The United States technological transitions through the industrial revolution benefited all members of society through job creation and technological advancement that made it a leading power concerning modern …show more content…

In her dissertation the Most Powerful Mouse in the World Michaela J. Roberts seeks to explore investigates the development of the Disney Company and its global brand. She separates her findings into 3 main components. The overall brand of Disney, how Disney displays that brand on global scale, and why other companies should follow the leadership style set by Disney’s Brand. Through this we see the growth of the brand as well as its transition to a worldwide

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