Modernity In The City

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Modernity within a city is usually apparent through the ideas and methods used for architecture. Rio de Janeiro, Dakar, and Havana are cities that have gone through unique paths on achieving modernity especially through architecture. These cities pride themselves with creating and adapting ideas not only from their own land but also from other countries like Europe or Africa. Each city have their own unique characteristics. Rio is one of, if not, the more popular cities in Brazil and was the home to the most recent Summer Olympics. Dakar is the capital of Senegal and it is also the largest city in the country. Havana, which is located in Cuba, is also a capital city of a country that has gone through their fair share of turmoil during the times of Fidel Castro’s reign as leader of Cuba. All three of these cities pushed forward modern architecture that set trends for the rest of their respected country to follow, whether it was a government imposed direction or a display of artistic freedom. Rio de Janeiro 's architecture takes on multiple …show more content…

Dakar architects developed buildings that “proclaim a robust prosperity both in terms of their strategic location in the city as well as their tectonic language.” (Senegalese Modern Architecture) Léopold Sédar Senghor, Senegal’s first president influenced architecture in Senegal by pushing for asymmetric parallelism. One building that achieves the imposed standards of architecture is the ATEPA Group Headquarters building. It’s pyramid-like form is an example of Senegalese modern architecture. The building stands out as a building that is more about how a building is suppose to be a machine. Architects directed to fulfill the preferences of Senghor by showing that a building can be an attraction by blending different forms of

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