Modern Day Soccer History Essay

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Soccer is known to be one of the most popular sports in Europe and the America’s. It carries a very clear history in the world of sports. Some say soccer was being played in China during the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC. Facts also support that Romans and Greeks used to play for fun! Early growth was said to start blossoming in Europe. History even reads the possibly of the first ball being that a head of a Danish brigand. “I hope this is a myth” During this period soccer had fewer rules. For instance, biting, kicking and hitting opponents was acceptable and full contact was allowed. King Edward III banned sacker in 1365 due to the growing violence it was producing. When and where exactly did soccer start is a question that has no certain answer. You can say that this game has been played for more than three thousand years. The delivery of modern-day soccer must be credited to Britain. It was …show more content…

In October 1863, representatives from London clubs and schools met at the Freemason’s Tavern and set up common fundamental rules to control the matches amongst themselves. The outcome of this meeting was the people of the Football Association. In December 1863, the Rugby Football and Association football finally parted as the supporters of the Rugby School rules. In 1869, the Football Association banned any kind of handling of the ball. Soccer’s popularity spread quickly after this and during the 1800s as British sailors, traders and soldiers introduced the sport to different parts of the globe. Italians’, Austrians and Germans flocked to Europe, while Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil played the sport in South America. FIFA was established in 1904 and by early 1930s; different leagues were operating from various countries. FIFA is responsible for setting up the first world cup in Uruguay. The history of soccer is eventful and it’s growing all over the world. It is amazing to learn this sport has held our attention for over 3000

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