Modern-Day Slavery/Human Trafficking

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Slavery means the state or condition of being a slave; the subjection of a person to another person, being forced into work. The Human Trafficking definition is the trade in humans, most commonly for the purpose of Sexual Slavery, forced labor or for the extraction of organs or tissues, according to the Unfortunately, there is still active illegal slavery still occurring in the united states and is also in many other countries around the world specifically the Country of Mongolia which has a large amount of children being trafficked for sexual exploitation. Although some may say that people may think that slavery was just an American problem, it is not, it is still a big problem in this country and around the world today. Every year in the united states, thousands of children and adults are forced into human trafficking. In the united states alone, because the estimated amount of money being earned from this despicable business is in the billions, the united states as a country should be embarrassed by the amount of people forc...

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