Mock Trial Case Study

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Brilliant. That is one word that Mr. Baird, coach of the quiz team, uses to describe the team, and it is no wonder why! As individuals on the quiz team practice twice a week, where the simulate not only actual game play, but discuss strategy as well. This hard work has paid off, especially when it comes to their past performance in November, with the Academic Challenge. These tournaments can be intense, as Mr. Baird stated that their performance, “ came down to the final question in both rounds, but we were able to pull it out in two straight nail-biters; two consecutive intellectual buzzer beaters, of sorts.”
Fortunately since they won the rounds they are now advancing to quarter finals. Mr. Baird also stated that, “although the competition
Mock Trial is just what it sounds like Individuals compete against an opposing team either as the plaintiff or the defense, and have to convince judges to rule in their favor. There are two main roles in mock trial, attorneys and witnesses. Attorneys are the individuals who help compose the case. They are tasked with asking questions, giving opening and closing statements, and overall helping set up the frame work for the witnesses. Witnesses are the individuals who are given roles to act out during the trial. They are tasked with the responsibility of bring the character they are assigned to, to life, as well as memorizing their
CAT News! The case focuses on Governor Justice, who is running for re-election for his position as Governor. WHile campaigning the Governor, agave a speech at Trillium High School. After the speech he met with his former college rival, Principal I.M. Veritas, during which, Principal Veritas suffered a fatal brain aneurysm. Andy Rather, a student and intern for CAT News, heard the fight and reported to his network that Governor Justice killed Principal Veritas. Andy did this through a series of tweets and an interview. Despite the information proving to be false, the story went viral, and Governor Justice lost the election, The former Governor is now filing a civil suit against CAT News for defamation. The plaintiff will seek to prove that CAT News published the story with reckless regard for the truth, that the story damaged the former Governor’s reputation, and that they lost the election, because of this

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