Moby Dick And Cat's Crad Comparison

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Reading a good book is like taking a journey. Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle is a good book about a man who literally takes a journey to an island called San Lorenzo in order to research Felix Hoenikker, the father of the atomic bomb, and write a book titled The Day the World Ended on the day that the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Throughout the book, the narrator meets different people of his karass and takes the reader on a journey that questions the meaning of life and poses the question of whether science benefits humanity or leads it to eventual destruction. Even if you are an advocate for science and believe that it is good or refuse to believe that life is meaningless, reading this book offers a new perspective and …show more content…

The similarities of Cat’s Cradle to Moby Dick is uncanny, making it seem as though they were both cuts from the same cloth. First of all, both novels begin the same way. Cat’s Cradle begins with “Call me Jonah”, and Moby Dick begins with “Call me Ishmael”. The main character, Jonah or John, as he prefers, was one of the sole survivors in the world and the narrator of the story, just as Ishmael was the sole survivor in a tragic, mad quest and the narrator of the story from his viewpoint. Because of this, they were both unreliable narrators as Ishmael lied to relieve himself of his guilt, while Jonah warns his audience that nothing in the book was true but the events seemed real and valid. They also both follow or go on a quest for truth. Ishmael by following Ahab’s search for truth in the form of a giant whale, and Jonah’s search for truth in the form of the atomic bomb and ice-nine. Both their searches for truth led them down tragic paths where they both successfully escaped death. Cat’s Cradle and Moby Dick both explore the opinion that there is no truth in the world and that the only truth or force in the world is what man makes, also known as science. Both books also look at the philosophy that religion is basically a

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