Mittta River Case Study

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Moreover, environmental features in the Mitta Mitta river is playing a crucial role in terms of its water. Environmental features are those installations which alter the environment and includes environmental asset. The environmental features in every river catchment is contrast, for example Mitta Mitta river features is different with Macquarie river features. In addition, environmental assets in the Mitta Mitta river include provide habitats for high priority threatened native fish such as Macquarie perch, Murray cod, golden perch and flat-headed galaxias. Other high priority species found along the Mitta Mitta system include spotted tree frogs and the alpine spiny crayfish, in the upper Snowy Creek catchment. Another environmental assets are Wetlands, National Park, Gorges. Dams include Hume and Dartmouth dams, operating storages, 14 weirs, 13 locks, barrages at the Lower Lakes, and water management structures at …show more content…

The Mitta Mitta river faced current threats for its system (water flows). One of the threats is that the ecosystem was in poor health. This condition is quite dangerous for ecosystem living around the Mitta Mitta river. It could affect animals around the river and other biota that living under the river.

The Mitta Mitta river has a large cost of its construction and the operation of the scheme to maintain it. However, it also has benefits to get return money of the investment. These benefits overwhelmingly beneficial to society and the local councils or regional water authorities, also it makes government’s budget to spend for the river maintenance decreases. Many economic activities can be done that directly attributed to the flow of water that worth as an economical value. One of the activity that directly attributed to the Mitta Mitta river is primarily agricultural and used for beef production. The agricultural and beef production is using large area of freehold land for around 100

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