Mitochondrial Disease

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Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Diseases- a disease that can cause your mitochondria’s to malfunction. There are many different forms of mitochondrial disease. The mitochondria can be found in almost every cell of the body. The mitochondria is also known as the “powerhouse” of the cell because it creates energy for the cell.The mitochondria is responsible for generating over 90% of the energy that is required by the body for it to work properly. When the mitochondria is not working correctly, less and less energy is generated in the cell, causing cell injury and eventually cell death. If the process continues throughout the body, they whole body begins to malfunction. Because the brain and muscle require a lot of energy mitochondrial disease usually affect these parts of the body and cause encephalomyopathies or brain and muscle disease. It can also affect other parts of the body. Depending on which cells are affected, symptoms may include muscle weakness, heart failure, dementia,(alzheimer's diseases) gastrointestinal disorders and …show more content…

In some cases, symptoms and signs could point to a certain mitochondrial disease. Physical examination and laboratory tests are necessary to characterize involvement of various organs and to reach the correct diagnosis. Lab test typically include: blood tests, brain MRI or CT scans, heart tests , ophthalmological and neurological evaluations, and hearing tests. Muscle biopsy is the best way for diagnosis of many mitochondrial diseases. It requires specialized microscopic analysis and biochemical tests, such as measurements of mitochondrial respiratory chain enzyme activities.Finally, genetic testing of blood, urine, or muscle is performed to determine the exact mutation responsible for a specific

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