Mitinand And Argentina Case Study

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I this paper I am going to compare impacts of liberalization between two countries: Poland and Argentina. Let me first start with Argentina will compare the background, policies and consequences of both the countries. In Poland we say “Don’t praise the day before sunset.” By the early twentieth century Argentina was seventh wealthiest country. According to Jurnal of Latin America Studies “At this time, when the nation boasted one of the highest rates of growth of per capita income, no-one would have dared to question its growth potential. Indeed Argentina’s economic evolution during that period could be compared with that of Australia and Canada.” Today, the country is bankrupt on a scale unprecedented in history. Liberal economy, worshiped there until recently as holiness , bothering recession . Argentina was once the richest countries in the world . Now it is spreading appalling poverty . The unemployment rate in 1991 of 6.5 % has more than tripled . Argentinian have some components known in Poland: stabilization of money , liberalization of foreign trade , the removal of barriers to foreign capital , the privatization of the state sector , the removal of detailed state interference . Busting the Argentine economy based on the same assumptions of the model , which present the Polish economy , is thus for Poland a serious warning . Without being hysterical , polish people need to carefully consider whether the current crisis of state finances in Poland is not the first symptom of impending disaster . Indicates are same as in Argentina, for example the level of unemployment – According to UC Atlas of Global Inequality 20% in December 2001 . In December 2001, Argentina was in the bottom of the economy , which was pushed by the ... ... middle of paper ... ...t years has reached single digits (at the end of 2001 it fell below 4 %). The economic successes of successive governments led creditors to reduce the Polish debt by 50 %, and Western companies - to invest in Poland. In 1991, he launched the Warsaw Stock Exchange grew, so did GDP ( in 1993 growth was 4% , in 1995 - already 7%). Fully convertible buck passed in 1995 denomination (1 PLN = 10 000 zł ) , and the success of Polish reforms stabilized the dollar . “ Privatization in Poland was a notable success” (210) Currently, Poland is a country with a stable political system , a growing economy , actively operating international organizations. In my opinion for some countries like Argentina the policies were adopted in a good way but all of them came to fast. It was too hard to recover for this country. Liberalization is a long process and changes cannot come to fast.

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