Mitch Hedberg: Comedy As A Form Of Comedy

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Comedy in many ways is a form of art. People use comedy as a catalyst for conversation, a way to cope with grief and as a way to help deal with real world situations. Not everyone has a sense of humor and so many people have differing views on what they believe is funny. Comedy is often thinking outside of the box and having a different view on regular situations that occur in day to day life. Mitch Hedberg seen these regular situations and found a way to put them into a perspective many would never imagine. Hedberg was a very strange comedian with a unique style that other comedians could not pull off on stage. Everything from his comedic style to his appearance on stage is what had branded him as an individual in the comedic world. Mitch had a short lived life and had many problems during his …show more content…

It lead to a premature death that left viewers everywhere in shock. Although his life was short lived that does not mean he did not make an impact on the comedic world today. Hedberg created his own set of rules not caring for what people thought of him. He went on stage wearing whatever he wanted and joked about whatever he thought was funny. His audience was either going to love or hate him and he didn’t change according to what the audience thought. No comedian has the exact style that Hedberg had but his style is seen in parts throughout many comedians. A writer for Vice named Marc Maron stated “He’s one of those guys that you’ll hear in other comics. Just a hint of Mitch”. This hint of Mitch is one of the many things he passed on. His comedic style is a hit or miss among viewers and very few comedians can pull off exactly what he did. Among his earliest showings you can often see him becoming agitated when a crowd did not understand a punchline he delivered. This shows how unique and and difficult his style is to deliver to an audience and comedians to this day still reflect on the style that is Mitch

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