Missional Leader Report

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The Missional Leader by Roxburgh and Martinez, has become one of my favorite reads so far in this class. It speaks to my sensibilities around reframing systems and organizations. Especially in the church. Albeit, I am still working in the medical field, as a new intern in a UMC church, I am finding a lot of positive examples to take away from this book that I am already seeing in my church site. The key words that stood out for me when interviewing with my supervising pastor was (and is) experimentation and creativity. As a church that is reframing itself, what a wonderful proactive way to look at your rebuild. At this time of history as we redefine church wihin the UMC denomination, how else can we possibly frame it? We have to be creative! We have to address the …show more content…

Folks are still grieving what was as two separate congregations (and they need to be allowed to lament), but a very apparent bubbling up of something new and dynamic. “It is emergent in the sense that it’s experimenting and discovering fresh ways of being God’s missionary people”. (Roxburgh/Martinez 41) Similarly, Churches, Cultures and Leadership by Branson and Martinez, had some wonderful gems of wisdom around leadership and church formation. “While there are numerous personal and societal forces that work against God’s initiatives, we believe that the primary call on churches, as we worship and study and serve and witness, is to live into that call as “sign, foretaste, and instrument” of God’s reconciling love”. (Branson/Martinez 61) Living Spirit serves free supper every Wednesday evening for the surrounding community. As the above aforementioned quote intimates, this is what it means to share the reconciling love of God. For a place that is small and still trying to get its land legs, is showing strong leadership and compassion by providing a good, healthy meal without requiring any

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