Miss Simone: The Appearance And Performance Of Nina Simone

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Today lots of people know Nina Simone for her legacy; she was a supreme and classical trained pianist and she was also a civil rights activist. In 2015, a Netflix movie was released on Nina Simone, called “What happened Miss Simone?” to depict who Nina Simone really was as a person. The actress playing her in the biography musical is, Dominican and Puerto Rican, Zoe Saldana. The trailer for the movie made an uproar of controversy. The controversy comes from Nina Simone legacy, combined with appearance and performance of Zoe Saldana; which led people to their many opinions on what they thought of the movie. To summarize Nina Simone and how important she was, many people would describe her as a musical genius, a Black Power icon, and even some …show more content…

For several years she went through a hard time with record labels, clashing with managers, and the Internal Revenue Service. She lived in many different countries until she finally settled down in …show more content…

To begin with, the appearance of Zoe Saldana in the movie is the most criticized. Zoe Saldana’s makeup is darker than her own compilation and she is also wearing a prosthetic nose to look similar to Nina Simone. Some find this very distracting and feel offended; in the past blacks often was teased and tormented because of their wide noses and dark skin, but then again is that the very reason of why the director those to do the dark makeup and prosthetic nose? Zoe Saldana responds to all of the negative comments by saying she has the highest respect for Nina Simone and is honored to play her, and many other actors and actresses back her up by saying she is very talented and she has full faith in her performance. In addition to all the comments, there was one that ceased most of the controversy: Zoe Saldana is not the one to blame for her appearance or even the fact that she was chosen for the

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