Miss America History

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Subhead: “There she is, Miss America” Although many things have changed since the Miss America pageant began in 1921, one aspect holds true: Those awarded the title of Miss America strive to make a difference through service and education. Here’s a now and then with Jean Bartel, UCLA, Miss America 1943, and Savvy Shields, Arkansas, Miss America 2017. Find out how Jean’s contribution to the pageant has impacted today’s Miss America. Jean Bartel, UCLA, Miss America 1943 Savvy Shields, Arkansas, Miss America 2017 When Jean entered the Miss America pageant, talent counted for 50 percent of contestants’ scores. Jean thought it might jump-start a Broadway career. What made you want to compete in Miss America? When I was 12, I watched a local preliminary. Seeing young women speaking on stage, getting to perform and be …show more content…

What was your talent in the Miss America competition? How long have you been practicing this talent? A jazz dance to "They Just Keep Moving the Line" from “Smash.” Jean focused on supporting the WWII effort. She sold more Series E war bonds than anyone in the U.S. In today’s dollars, the total amount of bonds she sold would be around $34 million. What is your platform and why did you choose this platform? "Eat Better, Live Better." I grew up in a healthy home, but, in college, I recognized the connection between what I ate and how I felt. My goal is to live by example and teach people tangible ways to eat healthily. When Jean won, she did not receive a scholarship. According to the Miss America organization, Jean and her Kappa sisters suggested a scholarship program. The first scholarship was awarded in 1945 in the amount of $5,000. What scholarships have you received from Miss America? I have received over $90,000 in scholarships from the Miss America organization, which will allow me to graduate from college debt-free and work toward a master’s degree in the

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