Misfit Culture Essay

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People have been using mood and personality effecting drugs for centuries, from coffee, to marijuana, to cocaine, including alcohol. We know these things change our brains in some way. Though some intellectuals such as Malcom Gladwell have expressed points of view that, "The modern personality is, in this sense, a synthetic creation,"(252) not many seem particularly alarmed by this idea in the above quote that Malcom Gladwell calls a "disquieting notion,"(252) beyond a few offhand jokes about their reliance. This is especially true with coffee and tea (anything with a reasonable amount of caffeine). However the public perception of other drugs, such as alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine, does vary a bit. It is useful to note that most people …show more content…

If numerous people associate Elsa’s ice powers with homosexuality, puberty, “slut power,” basically everything under the sun except anything that could be medicated by Psychiatric medication (or that people assume can be medicated), surely that reveals precisely how much our other associations with medication really matters. In fact, unless you are on the high functioning end of the Autism Spectrum or something yourself, or have a very close relative like that, then this is probably the first time you’ve even heard of the term neurodiversity. Perhaps this is because for a long time there were not many effective medications for Autism. Therefore there has been a big movement for research to medicate and/or ultimately cure Autism, which could cause individuals whom have been on the Autism Spectrum with or without medication to feel threatened therefore if anyone considers themselves pro-neurodiversity they would. Regardless, even though in very recent years there have been conversations about neurodiversity, some pretty good ones even(wikipedia), but you rarely if ever hear about them unless you specifically search neurodiversity in your search engine, also many of the explicitly pro-neurodiversity articles are written by people on some mental disorder spectrum(Robinson). But I digress. It is evident in how niche the neurodiversity movement is, that we separate anything that can be medicated (or that we think should be medicated or cured) from all other categories of misfits. Despite our misfit pride, we often turn a blind eye toward psychiatric medication

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