Miscegenation In Danzy Senna's Where Did You Sleep Last Night

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Miscegenation is defined as the mixing of different racial groups including marriage, cohabitation, sexual relations, and having children outside of one’s racially defined group. Danzy Senna’s mother was Caucasian and her father was “not fully black nor fully Mexican nor fully white” (Senna 215)—“a walking, talking contradiction” (Senna 11). They married and reproduced three mixed children—two boys and a girl. Danzy’s father asks her when she was five “Don’t you know who I am?” This event was after her mother took Danzy and her siblings and left their father to his own devices. She knew and she didn’t know who the man was. Later when Danzy was writing Where Did You Sleep Last Night, she wrote a list of nouns that she associated with her father—“intellectual, …show more content…

They had three children all mixed with white, black, Mexican, and Irish traits. Danzy had a clear understanding of her parent’s marriage. They married with hopes that they would “snub the history that divided them and create an ahistorical utopia…” (Senna 33). That is not how the marriage resulted, however. There was physical and later verbal abuse. There was alcoholism and disrespect. Friends and family believed that the divorce was “the ugliest divorce in Boston’s history” (Senna 32). Danzy understood that was the belief because of the beauty that a marriage between a white woman and a black man could promise. From the outside, their family was described by “domestic coziness, the pedestrian normality only underscoring the young family’s literary and multicultural exoticism” (Senna 20). I believe that Carl’s Senna mistreatment of his wife and children stemmed from his misgivings of his conflicted identity. It did not help that he was skeptical of whites and married a white woman with “blue eyes [and] blue blood” (Senna 13). Kelly argues that he is that way because of his “abandonment by his black mother and the absence of an authentic experience of blackness.” By the end of the memoir, Senna’s father has remarried and discovered that all lines follow that his mother did not lie to him in the telling that Francisco Jose Senna was his father. He seems …show more content…

Christmas Eve dinner came about and it became evident that her family had just about taken mixed race to another level. She had a cousin, Rebecca, that was married with a child and their small family was white and Jewish (Senna 296). Danzy’s sister had three children that were half Pakistani and they lived in England (Senna 296). Her brother was married to a Chinese woman and they had a young daughter together (Senna 296.) Carla Latty, Anna’s orphaned daughter, was cohabitating with an Indian woman. Senna discovered that at this family dinner, some of them are blood related and are just meeting for the first time. She recognizes the history that they all share in some shape, form, or fashion. Yet, it is not a day of rainbows and lollipops. Danzy and her sister have hurt each other and there is tension. Her brother and his wife hide their infant in the bedroom upset that the other children present had infected their baby. Her cousin’s daughter has declared herself as a lesbian at the age of eleven. Despite all of the obstacles and hurdles her family has faced, Danzy considers the Christmas Eve dinner “a victory” (Senna 301). Danzy’s brother says that “Anybody who finds him offensive can get the […] out” about a gift given to his child (Senna 300). That was his way of approving the

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