Misaligned Teeth Essay

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Misaligned or crooked teeth can be more than just a cosmetic issue. This condition, known medically as a malocclusion, is a dental problem that can seriously compromise your oral health. if ignored. Besides the being called “crowded teeth”, a maloclussion is also referred to as an overbite, underbite, crossbite or open bite.

If this condition applies to you, it’s important to be treated so that further problems don’t develop. Here are some of the reasons why treatment is needed, besides how this problem is treated.

Why Treatment is Important

Ignoring a malocclusion can lead to many other problems. One of the main reasons for treating malocclusion is to make it lower the odds of getting tooth decay. Consider that continual wear of your teeth can cause decay, besides tooth …show more content…

While crossbites can create uneven wear in a tooth, crossbites can lead to negative tooth growth. What’s more, not correcting an openbite can cause speech problems, such as tongue thrusting.

Even worse, failing to treat severe malocclusion can eventually result skeletal discord of the lower part of the face or even needed the jaw to be reconstructed in the most severe cases.

Treatment Options

In most cases, dentists treat malocclusions by using dental braces. After taking panoramic x-rays and examining a patient’s mouth, your dentist will determine the best way to treat the problem.

For malocclusions that are the result of overcrowded teeth, extractions are typically the only option for creating sufficient space for the teeth to realign. But when the problem involves an overbite, underbite or crossbite, options may include using various dental appliances such as fixed or permanent multibracket braces or removable braces.

Invisalingn is another option. These are removable, invisible dental aligners that many patients prefer because they don’t feel self-conscious. On the other hand, they’re not suited for

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