Mirkwood Discussion Questions

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1.How does the author make use of imagery to describe Mirkwood? What mood is created by that imagery? The author uses imagery to describe Mirkwood by saying, ¨the entrance to the path was like a sort of arch leading into a gloomy tunnel made by two great trees that learn together, too old and strangled with ivy and hung with lichen to bear more than a few blackened leaves,¨ (page 140). The mood that is created by this quote is dark and gloomy setting. 2. What mistakes do the dwarves make in the forest up to the point where they decide to leave the path? One mistake that they made was that, ¨they tried lighting watch-fires at night, but they soon gave that up. It seemed to bring hundreds and hundreds of eyes all round them¨ (Tolkien 142). 3.Why do the travelers decide to leave the path? What happens when they try to carry out their plan? …show more content…

14.What is Bilbo’s rescue plan? How do the dwarves respond to this idea? When the elves are at the Autumn feast, and are unaware of the adventures in their hands, the chief guard drinks and passes out. Bilbo is then able to take his keys and he “discovered a very interesting thing the great gates were not the only entrance to the cave,” (Tolkien 176). BIlbo also intended to use the barrels to get away. The dwarves “did not like it a bit, and started growling loudly in spite of their danger,” (Tolkien 179). They did not favor Bilbo’s plans. 15. What elven frailties (weaknesses) aid Bilbo with his escape plan? One weakness that is that Bilbo and the dwarves have little time to loose, “to carry out with their plan,” (Tolkien 180). Another weakness is that they had to have Balin, “watch the guards and the butler and give warning if they stirred,” (Tolkien 180). They knew that if they got caught, they would never be let out of their hell. 16. What serious flaw in his escape plan suddenly occurs to Bilbo at the last minute? How does he

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