Mirabel Sisters

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The Mirabel sisters were 3 beautiful sisters, whom rebelled against the word of the president of the Dominican Republic at the time, Trujillo. The Sisters started a rebel called the 14th of June and protested against Trujillo and made It through his punishments surviving prison, the murder of their father, and torture. Unfortunately, one day they were lured into a sugar cane farm and beaten to death. But before they were the strong, courageous, and fearless women they were when they died, they weren't always like that. It took a few changes in the sisters to become they Mirabel sisters we know and love today. The purpose of this essay is to summarize the changes in the Mirabel sister's throughout the story "In the time of the butterflies. …show more content…

In the beginning Patria was very religious and even wished to be a nun. She could be described as "always in a rush" because she was married so young. She was known for crossing out her bucket list at a young age, even though she was the oldest sister. She was doing things adults do, but at a young age. Such as wanting to become a nun, being married , going to school at a young age to achieve her career goals and much more. Basically she was naïve. But most of all she was religious. In the text she says "No one had told me to believe in God or to love everything that lives. I did it automatically…". Then towards the end we find out that she is she is very kind, friendly and wise. Most of all she became as strong as ever Having so many sorrows she found a good way to deal with the pain of losing the things and the people she loves. She was strong for her younger sisters even though she lost her home, husband, son, and her peace of mind, she stayed strong for the rebellion. Her transition was from a simple kind religious quiet girl, to a strong, powerful, and withstanding women who could take anything life had to throw at …show more content…

Minerva is introduced as whimsical but mostly curious. Wondering what everything meant and asking every question possible and needing an answer. She would also try to relate to anything to understand, because that’s what she wanted the most, to understand. In the text it says " Sometimes, watching the rabbits in their pens, I'd think I'm no different from you, poor things." She always made sure to already have an understanding of something even if it wasn’t correct. As the story progresses she becomes more and more adventurous, she can be described as a wild child. Who liked to explore, take risks, and was even crazy yet always had a method behind her madness. This can be seen when she finds out about her dads second family, and hits his car out of anger then drives away. Not only that but her curiosity causing her to want to find out where her father was, and who those "raggedy" children were, and why they looked so much like her. No adventure was too much for her as long as it killed her

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