Ministry Interview Paper

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Interview Worship Pastor/Minister For my interview, I met with Cole Robinson, the worship pastor at Christ Fellowship City Place. Although I attend this church weekly, the information I received from Cole allowed me to see the worship service and more specifically the worship pastor’s approach to ministry in a way that made sense. I was able to see and understand the intentionality behind every move he made and word he said during every worship service. Firstly, we began with the core values of the church. The core values are:
1. All for One – Everything is for one person, that one person is Jesus Christ. We, being the church, do missions, community projects, worship, live, etc., to make His name known. Also, we come together (All) …show more content…

In other words, the tangible things are done on a regular basis that prepares him for the services to come. Although obvious, he started off by talking about prayer. Cole stated that without prayer, he would be clueless on how to run a worship service. Cole reminded me that he is merely a vessel and relies on God for guidance. Along with prayer, he told me that he dives into God’s Word daily and constantly seeks to stay near him. Cole informed me that without prayer and scripture reading, his approach to ministry would be negatively affected. Another practical thing that he does is the rehearsals and the listening/meditation of the songs. Before he leads people in a song, he must be convinced of the lyrics himself. Along with the meditation, he watches the sermons of other preachers. He watches their sermons for many reasons. He enjoys the musical aspect of other churches, the way they sing songs, the new songs that get discovered, and the process of worship in general. The last practice he uses is the discussion of his plans to his wife or friends. Prior to coming to service, he runs his plans by his brothers and sisters in Christ, who help keep him focused and transfixed on

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