Minimum Driving Age Should Not Be Raised Essay

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There are 205.7 million licensed drivers in the U.S.; of those drivers 13.2 million are young drivers between the ages 15 and 20. The minimum driving age should not be raised. When states raise the age for graduated driver restrictions they only delay car crashes and fatalities, many teens are making simple mistakes while driving or not getting enough sleep causing crashes, and lastly, driver fatalities have decreased from 1998 to 2008: these reasons all support why the driving age should not be raised. Deadly accidents among 16-year-olds have been reduced with the use of tougher licensing laws while unfortunately increasing fatal crashes among 18- year-olds. The first reason the minimum driving age should not be raised is that doing so only puts off the results for a later age. For example in New Jersey, a state with the toughest program for teenage drivers, all first time drivers under 21 must adhere to graduated driver restrictions. This approach reduced crash rates for 17-to-18 year old drivers and virtually eliminated crashes among 16-year-olds, without adversely affect 19-year-old drivers. Unfortunately in this case the tougher laws shifted the effect of a higher number of crashes and fatalities onto 21-year-old drivers. So while some states think tougher …show more content…

Some might say that younger drivers ages 16 to 17 are not responsible enough to drive and that the responsibility should be saved for adults. Another reason some might say that the minimum driving age should be raised is teens have not had enough experience yet,since they have had their permit for only 6 months . Lastly, someone might argue is that driving is a deadly everyday action and because teens get distracted easily that should not have this luxury. Though some may disagree with my point of view I know some very mature teens who are being responsible 16 year old

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