Mini Pigs Research Paper

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Mini pigs have been around for decades but just recently a surge of people are wanting these small creatures as pets. With the increase popularity of these mini pigs there comes to the question as to the care of them. Seeing that they are a relatively new pet that means there is not much in the way of enrichment for this species. But before I discuss about the enrichment items out there for this species, I will give a little background information on these species. Seeing that the mini pig is a fairly new species used as a pet there isn’t much history as to past enrichment for them. So most enrichment that is used for these animals are things that the owners come up with. Pigs are highly food motivated and in their natural environment they will root for their food. So a lot of …show more content…

They have a very large well developed brain. Farm animals, including pigs, are inadvertently exposed to many learning and memory challenges (Held et al. 2002), and knowledge of species-specific learning abilities and environmental preferences is expected to contribute to improvement of housing conditions, management, and handling routines, and hence animal welfare (Baldwin and Meese 1977). With this in mind we must provide this species with cognitive thinking enrichment. When we provide them with challenging enrichment then we also increase our animal welfare for that animal. The task should allow a detailed analysis of pigs’ behavior, i.e., it should preferentially provide indices for different behavioral domains (cognitive, sensory, motor, or motivational components) (Wainwright and Colombo 2006). So enrichment ideas that have been put in place to meet these needs are having pigs search for treats in a swimming pool filled with sand, handing fruit up for them to eat and having them root at a PVC roller to get treats. There are many more enrichments that are being made for this species the more we study and learn about

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