Understanding Millennial Behavior: Stereotypes Vs Reality

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Millennials are rumored to be “self-centered, unmotivated, disrespectful, and disloyal, contributing to widespread concern about how communication with millennials will affect organizations and how they will develop relationships with other organizational members” (Karen Myers 225). According to Sharon DeVaney, the millennial generation “were born between 1980 and 2000” (11) and that “The millennial generation is larger than the 46 million who are in Generation X and the millennials are almost equal in size to the 76.4 million in the baby boomer generation” (12) to this day. This generation expects everything to be handed to them on a silver plate as if they deserve it. The older generations imagine us sitting on a couch, staring like a zombie …show more content…

The authors reasoned that the millennials are special in that they were wanted as children and “have absorbed the adult message that they dominate America’s agenda” (p. 60)” (37). She also states that “, In addition to the unique traits ascribed to millennials, there have been serveral key health, academic, and sociale concerns associated with his generation.” (38) Nevertheless, the millennials are a commendable generation because we can multitask, see the value in a higher education, and are self-improving. Being able to continuously perform more than one thing at a time has helped accomplish tasks in a timely manner. It’s a great attribute, considering older generations think we are unable to effectively complete a task that was given to us. Maria LaMagna acknowledges that “, Maybe the biggest source of hope is how "overscheduled" we were as children. Our parents were criticized for enrolling us in Little League, ballet class and science camp all at once. But when you think about it, we "overscheduled" kids might be the uber project managers of the future.” She is certain that being able to multitask is an advantage in the pathway to achieving our dream …show more content…

They attempt in putting all their focus on one objective. LaMagna gives an example and says “, Take Alex Morse, for example. He's the 23-year-old mayor of Holyoke, Massachusetts, the town where he grew up. Since he took office in January, Morse has focused on increasing traffic to Holyoke's downtown and created a new government position to promote local art. He also happens to be openly gay and surprised many people by getting elected at all.” Older generations proclaim that they are lazy, but they have have proven over and over that once they put thier minds to it they make it thier goal to achieve

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