Milk Persuasive Speech

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When you hear about milk, you may be expecting to hear about how it “builds strong bones” and has a “good source of calcium.” Only today, I’ll be discussing the ways milk harms us and why we should stop drinking it. Milk is very damaging to us all and we should definitely try our best to stop drinking it. My goal here is to coax you and everyone to stop having milk and dairy products and start looking at all the things it does to you. Today I’d like to tell you about how milk hurts us and why we should avoid it as much as possible. I hope this is taken into consideration and you stop drinking milk.

The first thing I’d like to look over is how milk causes acne and bloating of the face. You see, milk contains a hormone for baby cows called IGF-1, Insulin-like Growth Factor 1. This hormone is in the milk for calves so when they …show more content…

When you ingest milk, your immune system recognizes certain proteins in the milk as dangerous. This makes the immune system set off the production of immunoglobulin lE, also known as lg E, antibodies to balance the protein (allergen.) The next time you come in contact with these proteins, the lg E antibodies recognize them and send a signal to your immune system to release histamine (and other chemicals) causing a variety of allergic signs and symptoms. You then establish allergies that affect you when you consume …show more content…

As of all animal proteins, milk acidifies the body’s pH that signals a biological alteration. Calcium is a neutralizer and the bones are the largest form of storage in the human body. Next, the extremely same calcium that our bones require to maintain powerful is harnessed to counterbalance the acidifying result of milk. Thus, the exact time calcium is drawn out of the bones, it exits the body through urine. This makes the outcome calcium deficiency, harming the

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