Milk Is Bad Essay

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People are unaware that milk is bad for you and that by drinking it, many negative consequences follow. We drink it daily, in coffee, in cereal, with every meal… But no one knows the danger that follows. So why is milk bad for you? And what makes it bad? By drinking milk, you drain the calcium from your bones. Many studies have shown that there is a direct link to extremely poor health and the consumption of milk. Just like other animal protein, the body’s pH balance is acidified by drinking milk, however, milk’s renal acid load has a positive potential. A biological reaction is caused by this PRAL which subdues the harmful acidic protein before the kidneys can be touched. Our bodies are designed for survival and by drinking milk we waste our bodily resources because it needs to protect the vital organs from its effect. The body gives up bone density in order to guard its kidneys and the urinary tract from harm. Even though milk does have calcium, the way that the body ends up digesting it, it deprives your bones and body of that important vitamin. Calcium is essential for our everyday life however it is more beneficial to get it from dairy-free sources so that they don't carry all these risks. We only absorb 30% of …show more content…

Therefore when drinking milk, you're taking in a significant amount of the sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone). An increased exposure of estrogen increases the risk of cancer. Dairy accounts for 60% to 80% of estrogen consumed by humans today, contributing vastly to the increase of cancer patients. Milk contains artificial hormones such as recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) which is commonly used in cows so that it will raise the milk production. Once it is made known to the human body, these hormones affect your normal hormonal function, throwing your body off

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