Military Spending Research Paper

641 Words2 Pages

The U.S. should decrease the spending on its military. We would save money, lives, and provide USA benefits. It’d be best if we were to because it would provide a better economic status, a healthier lifestyle for our people, and outcome in a safer community for most cities. Saving money by decreasing spending on military defenses would help out a lot in the U.S. If the U.S. military were to save money, it’d be best to use that money on schools, hospitals, and poor communities or cities. Helping schools would be big, maybe even causing a higher percentage in graduation. Providing students with more advanced or smarter ways to learn would outcome in giving thus student a better chance to succeed. This may even cause more students to attend school and this would bring a better lifestyle (career wise) to those who strive for achieving in life. Money being used on hospitals would be outstandingly helpful. Better technology, more doctors, and more suitable ways to prevent sickness would benefit from saving lives. All this would be a big help those in need. Poor cities or communities that often get destroyed by natural disasters are in need of money and help. Giving to those communities would be a help to those …show more content…

would also save lives by decrease of military spending. They would saves lives by not putting them in danger and using those lives for better reasons or other safer jobs. Those served or serving in the military wouldn’t have to be putting their lives in danger for example like working in dangerous warehouses, nuclear power plants, or even around explosives. Instead of putting them in such harmful environments, using robots would be a less risk of getting into injury. For example like using the lives for being a doctor, teacher, city workers, etc. Jobs that give back to the community would be ideal instead of putting people’s lives in jobs near danger. It’d be fantastic if this were to take place causing all over the nation an aiding, improving

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