Military Recruiters Should Not Be Allowed In High Schools

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For many high school graduates post-secondary education might not be the right choice straight out of high school due to a variety of reasons. A very large portion of jobs require some form of post-secondary education; however many people are not able or do not want to get a post-secondary education. People with no post-secondary education will be met with very bleak job prospects. The military offers a viable alternative to people who for some reason cannot or do not want to pursue a college level education. The US military should not be prohibited from sending recruiters to high schools in order to show future graduates a potential alternative to college. High school students should know that the US military is a viable option following graduation due to the great benefits, great job prospects, and ability to acquire very low cost college education available to the US military. …show more content…

Many people and groups are against the military sending recruiters to high schools. Groups who oppose military recruiters being allowed in high schools argue that the recruiters intentionally misinform and manipulate students into signing up. An article written by ABC News, offers proof that recruiters are lying and manipulating future graduates. The US military acknowledges that some recruiters do indeed lie and manipulate potential recruits, but they do not support them and they are working to fix that issue. For many reasons, including the previously stated, groups such as the Coalition Against Militarism in Our Schools (CAMS) have been trying to inhibit the military’s ability to recruit in high schools. These attempts have not had great

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