Milgram's Studies Of Obedience Essay

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Milgram’s studies on obedience to authority as well as obedience under extreme stress, paved a way to understanding the human psyche and how we handle choices we do not understand. As human beings we are given from a very young age a set of morals and standards we choose to live by. We see our parent’s successes and failures and we base the choices we make on what made them happy, and what will in the long run, bring us the same joy. From the beginning of the experiment you can see the pressure he starts everyone under. Where he chooses to begin his testing tells you a lot about what he was wanting them all to feel. A very rundown, dark, empty building with prison cell like rooms with sparse walls. Pipes showing and most likely a musty smell …show more content…

Speaking from experience I have seen an innocent human being get kicked around and beat up by some other kid older then him just because some other person tempted and talked the kid into doing it. By far that has been the worst thing and saddest thing I have ever seen in my life, how could someone be tempted to kick around some other kid just because someone told them to do it? I’m sure if the kid doing the beating was in the shoes of the kid who was getting kicked around would feel really horrible and hurt because letting someone do that to someone else is wrong to do. Temptation comes from the devil, he is the one telling you to do this stuff, telling you to hurt someone, telling you to injure someone just for pleasure and to make you think it is okay to do this kind of stuff to someone who is innocent and loving. As you grow older, you’ll be faced with some challenging decisions to make in your life. Some don’t have a clear choice or right or wrong answer- like should you listen to a person and make the decision to hurt someone or should you not listen to them. That is the decision you need to make. Making a decision on your own is hard enough, but when other people get involved and try to pressure you one way or another it can be even harder. Like said earlier in the essay, we pass the hat down to someone else to make the decision for us because we cannot make the decision

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