What Are The Similarities Between Phoenix And Milagro Beanfield War

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In the short story “This is what it means to say Phoenix, Arizona” and in the movie “Milagro Beanfield War” there contain characters that are in tandem eccentric and ordinary. While its tone of the plot are the same, while touching on themes of hardship, and independence along with dependance on others. In the short story the main friendship is more cordial and the main character is friends with out of pity, not liking of his own. The protagonist understands how to be independant but recognizes that others do not have that skill and dependance is also within human nature.The characters realize that there home is a tough place to live and are mostly self-sufficient, they don't blame the ones who are not. In Milagro, located in New Mexico where water is a high class amenity and questionable developer named Ladd Devine has deceived a flashy resort. The plan was to funnel off all the water from the neighboring lands and crop-fields. Luckily a repairman and farmer named Joe Mondragon accidentally tampers with a valve for water set aside for major-grade companies. Which unwittingly sparks a small scale water rights war between the elite and the misfortunate. While the town organizer Ruby Archuleta and the lawyer, stricken with a directionless life path, Charlie Bloom register that this will lead to major …show more content…

Thomas is still able to see the flaws within the native american culture in a in a dry, comical manner. One example that circles around the main plot is when he is telling his old friend how he found out about the death “I heard it on the wind. I heard it from the birds. I felt it in the sunlight. Also, your mother was just in here crying.” (page 2). The death of this story is that Victor's father died. Thomas is constantly in harmony with his duality between traditional practice and an ironic commentator on said traditional

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