Migration Out Of Africa

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Migration is one of the evolutionary processes. A population migrated due to limited resources or when more resources are needed to accommodate the growing population. Ancient human ancestors evolved in Africa, and dispersed throughout the world. Why did our ancestors migrate out of Africa? Perhaps, it was to find food, or a better living condition for raising the young. Leaving Africa, groups of modern human ventured out on several routes and dispersed throughout the world. Since the ventured out of Africa, the Asian groups migrated to Southeast regions first, then they headed north to East Asia during the last glaciation; this could be seen using evidence from the biogeography, but more accurately the evidence came from the male chromosome …show more content…

Changes in the genes contribute to the differences among people all over the world. Mutation is the change of the nucleotide sequence of the genome in an individual. It occurred in one individual and then it passed down that mutated gene to that individual’s offspring. Regions within DNA can be surveyed by examined the sections called makers, which distributed across a large portion of a chromosome. As each marker has a specific difference, and that is called an allele. A haplotypes as a set of DNA variations that tend to be inherited together, or it is also referred to a combination of alleles or to a set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) found on the same chromosome ("Mutation and Haplotypes”, 2007). People who have similar haplotypes for a certain region of DNA are usually more closely related than those with different haplotypes. If a group of people have all same or most of the same marker alleles to another group of people, then it is said that they belong to the same haplogroup. The analyses of many studies in the paper were using Y-chromosome to trace the origins of modern ancient human migration. Different haplogroups have been traced back to the specific geographic regions around the world where human

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