Middle School Science Fairs

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In the two articles, “My (Science) Fair Lady” and “Local Students Reach for the Stars”, there are many similarities. Along with these similarities, there are major differences and disagreements. These similarities and differences reveal the true value of science fairs at the middle school level. In both articles, there is a common subject. The subject both authors are writing about is middle school science fairs. While both articles have this common topic, they are written from two very different perspectives. “My (Science) Fair Lady” is written from the perspective of a participant in a recent middle school science fair. The beginning of their article starts, “What was the best school project I completed for any of my teachers in the …show more content…

The author of “Local Students Reach for the Stars” interviews Ms. Gail Rosen who gives her opinion on why these science fairs are important to all students who participate, not just the students who win first place. The author of “My (Science) Fair Lady” states, “The main purpose of middle school science fairs is to prepare students for high school science fairs.” By saying this the author is implying that there is no need for a lower level science fair other than to prepare students for high school science fairs. At high school science fairs the students who win can win large prizes. Some of these prizes include large sums of money and scholarships. Mrs. Rosen disagrees with the author, she believes that there is a larger prize that is obtained by participating in middle school science fairs. In paragraph eight Mrs. Rosen states, “Winning a science fair competition is a great accomplishment, but learning scientific behavior is the bigger prize.” By competing, students are learning to ask scientific questions and do experiments which is shaping the way they think. Had these students not participated in the science fair they wouldn’t have learned to think or act scientifically. By participating in middle school science fairs the students are getting ready for high school science fairs, but that isn’t the sole purpose of holding these events. The

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