Middle School Experience

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Looking back at the memory of myself in middle school has helped me realize that it had an important life lesson and contribution of experience that shaped who I am today. The world is a vast setting and can be unpredictable in many ways. It’s fortunate enough to have family who care about me and support my wishes. Many people never realize what their importance in life until later on or never at all. I’m glad that I met friends that I could depend on and help me through the hardships of childhood. There is much to learn and we only have a finite amount of time on our hands. We should all appreciate where we came from and learned up till today. The fact that I’m even under a roof, breathing, and always come home to my warm family is amazing, …show more content…

I always had been the highest scorer in my math class and nothing ever changed that until George appeared. He continuously kept throwing racist slurs and jokes at me to satisfy himself after losing to me once again. George humiliated me for scoring higher than him on a math exam and it made me feel so out of place since it was my first encounter with discrimination. At first, I really didn’t care about anything he said to me and laughed along with his preposterous remarks, but the stereotypical jokes took on another hideous form that was called bullying. It took a toll on my self-confidence and blinded me from my goals and motivation. Slowly, but surely; I could feel the metaphysical cold knife shape from all the discrimination around me pierce through me and make my heart start to ache with pain and …show more content…

Sooner or later, I understood that there are people in this world that understand you and wherever you go, there will be someone who is willing to listen to your problems and agree with you. My parents told me in order to get through the discrimination I’m facing, it is necessary to make friends that I could trust and those that appreciate me for who I am. Towards the second to last month, I began to open up to two of my most trustworthy friends that I still remember to this day. Their names were Tony and Christopher, who would always study with me in the mornings during middle school. We would have play dates at either one of our houses’ and occupy ourselves with homework and then video games. The hole in me had begun to heal and all the scars were gone before I knew it. I was having a great time with either of these two and they made school so much more fun for me. I made friends who had liked me for who I was and it erased my grief and pain instantly. They were friends who I could always count on in the end and have no prejudice whatsoever. Friends have to be valued second to family and its really necessary to cherish people who encourage you and support you during hard times. They can only be called friends if they’re present whenever you need a supporting cushion during bumpy

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