Middle Ages

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The Middle Ages helped to define Western Europe. The Middle Ages showed a large influence on politics, religion, and intellectual trends that helped to define the post-classical world. The most import of all Middle Age political contributions was feudalism. This form of government linked the landlords who were able to fight due to resources they possessed such as iron. They were aided by the help of vassals. These vassals were often paid by inheriting land when the government could not afford to pay each person individually. The feudal system was also used by leaders to gain power. For example, French leaders normally had a background as a landlord. Through marriage, they would gain more. Eventually, once they came into power, a leader would be able to specialize minutely in a trade learned from his officials. In other kingdoms such as England, the feudal government was introduced more forcefully. Under William the Conqueror, the landlords were bound in loyalty to him. He used sheriffs to enforce his rule throughout the empire. William unitized a combined feudal and central govern...

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